Lemu hails from a small village in India’s North Eastern State of Manipur. As a boy, Lemu loved reading the Bible in Thadou Kuki, his native tongue.
However, an accident made Lemu completely blind at the age of twenty. “It happened all of a sudden. A friend’s accidental poke made me totally blind”, recounts Lemu.
After this unfortunate incident Lemu could not read the Bible on his own. “When I lost my eyesight, I thought I will never be able to read God’s Word again on my own”, thought Lemu.
Lemu received Braille Bibles from the Bible Society of India. “ I was so happy to read the Bible on my own. It feels great to read God’s Word through the touch of my fingers”, says Lemu with great joy.
“Having a Braille Bible has changed my life completely. Now, I am able to read the Bible like any other person”, he says. Currently, Lemu is studying at a prestigious Theological College in Bangalore.
“As I listen and learn from God’s Word daily, I sense God’s call to serve people like me. I am confident that I can be effective in ministry”, he contends.