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Taking the Bible Closer to the People. Taking the people closer to the Bible
Since 1811, we are engaged in translating and publishing the Bible in different languages to make it available for Christians across India.
Ongoing Bible Translations
We are engaged in translating and publishing the Bible in different languages to cater to the Scripture needs of Christians across India.The Mission of the Bible Society of India is to engage in Translation and the distribution of Scripture with the sole aim of transformation of Individuals and communities through the Word.
Your gift help will support the ongoing Bible Translations and the publication of the Bibles in many languages, versions and formats[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Braille Bibles for the Visually Challenged
We provide Braille Bibles to the visually challenged in many of the Indian languages at no cost. Many among the Visually Challenged are eager to ‘read’ the Bible on their own. We are overwhelmed at their love for the Bible and love to be at their service.
The Braille Bible is voluminous and expensive too! Many Visually Challenged people are unable to afford to have Braille Bibles of their own. Your gift can help the visually challenged own a copy of the Braille Bible and ‘read’ it on their own.
Scriptures for Children
We seek to provide a total of 10000 copies of Children’s Bible to children aged between 10 – 13 years in poor churches across India over the next year. We hope to introduce the Bible as stories to Children and inculcate in them the habit of reading the Bible regularly.
Bibles for Poor Christians
The vision of the Bible Society of India is to ensure that the Bible is made available to all in a language that they can understand, in a format they have access to and at a price they can afford. We make the Bible available and affordable. We seek to provide a total of 10000 copies of the Indian language Bible to poorer congregations across India.
God’s Word provides Hope and Comfort. Your donation will help us make the Bible available, affordable and accessible.