Pradeep cannot SEE – HEAR – and SPEAK. Yet, he loves God’s Word and wants to read his word. Thankfully, we have a Braille Bible for Pradeep.
Pradeep came to the BSI for a Braille Bible. He had to write on the palm of our hands to talk to us. And, we in turn responded by writing on his palm.
We gave him the Psalms and the Gospel of Luke in Braille. Pradeep took them but he was clearly not satisfied. He wanted more Braille books of the Bible.
” Where is Romans? Do you have Psalms and the other Gospels? Do you have all the 66 books? ”, he asked us. We promised to get him the whole Bible in Braille.
He thankfully received the 5 books of the Braille Bible and gently requested us to post all the books to his Pastor as soon as possible.
Pradeep is God’s special Child. He belongs to a Church in Bangalore where there are many like him who need the Braille Bible.
“I want the Braille BibIe for the Blind believers in my Church”, he wrote on our palm. Pradeep was eager to share the joy with other believers in his church.
We continue to serve many like Pradeep willing, wanting and waiting for access to God’s Word through the Braille Bible.